Monday, August 31, 2020

Finally cool enough to enjoy

Those of us that live in SoCal have been living through a heat wave for the past two weeks so when I saw the high in Anaheim would only be 86F on Sunday I decided to do a night ride at the beach.

It was only 78F at 7pm in Yorba Linda so I jumped onto my bicycle and gleefully rode towards the beach into a gentle onshore flow. The sun set thirty minutes later and the temperature dropped to about 70 pretty quickly. Lovely.

Because it was so cool (64F at the beach), I decided to ride along the beach path to the end and eat at Jack-in-the-Box. The beach trail was quieter that normal, possibly because it was Sunday, and possibly because it was cool. Someone was letting off fireworks at the beach. Better there than in the tinder dry forest.

I ate meat at Jack-in-the-Box because there aren't veggie options and I needed more than just fries. Turning back South on the beach trail I had a tailwind and the trail had cleared out so I was riding along at 18-20 mph with a full belly, very happy. Even when I turned inland I still had a 5mph tailwind so I finished 61 miles in 4:22 elapsed. Not bad considering for eight miles of that I was constrained to 10mph.

Next weekend looks horrific. Why does the weather always get more extreme on the weekends?

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