Monday, December 24, 2012


Blegh - no sooner does the launch their competition to see who can ride most over the Christmas holiday but I get all sick. Not just a cold, but a violent flu that drags on over a week. Eventually I went to the emergency room, greatly speeded through by my daughter and son-in-law who both work there and seem to be on first name terms will most of the staff.

So here's the symptoms - see if you can guess the problem.

Extreme headache especially when you consider I had it for nine days almost continuously.
Stiffness in joints and muscles.
Slight fever
Numbness in the extremities
MRI was clear

I am the lucky owner of a case of Spinal Meningitis hopefully viral. Of course there isn't anything you can actually do about it. I haven't been able to do much cycling lately. Even a zero-resistance workout is devastating.

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