Saturday, January 5, 2019

New Year - first ride and a flat

Last year (2018) I amassed a total of 10,415 miles - fewer than last year but still meeting my target. But that's all past history now, the counter returned to zero on 1/1/2019 and I hope I can meet my target of 10,000 miles again in 2019.

Today Amber, her boyfriend Glen, and I rode The Crema. The sky was overcast, the wind was blowing the wrong way, and the waves were huge. All sure signs there's a storm coming in. We were thrilled to see the beach trail through Huntington has been completely repaved and it is lovely.

We were very lucky to get straight into The Crema and loved the food as usual. On the way back I got a rear tire flat - I have no idea what caused it. I felt nothing in the tire but the replacement tube held air. I searched back through my blog and I think this is my first flat in 18 months - probably about 7500 miles.

We felt a couple of drops of rain on the way back so we were relieved to get back to the cars without being drenched. Getting straight into The Crema and a five minute flat change probably helped.

I found this story on about a 90 year old competitive cyclist who was stripped of his title for failing a drug test. And no, it wasn't Geritol. That's inspirational and sad at the same time.

There's an interesting and thought-provoking update to this story in the Guardian newspaper here

Next week is my SART 200k ride. I have 27 riders signed up for it already and I expect to have over 30 on the day. The weather forecast looks OK right now although some of the slower riders might get rained on.

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