Friday, July 22, 2022

Back in Southern California

Now I'm back in Southern California trying to figure out how to avoid riding in extreme heat. Mind you, looking at England's current heat wave, I'm glad I didn't do Lejog in July.

I rode last Friday after work from Anaheim to Huntington Beach and back. It's a shortened version of The Crema ride that's only 40 miles, all bike path, and gets me back to Anaheim before the gates close at 9pm.

I rode it on the Brompton because I can leave it in the back of my car while at work and I don't have to worry about someone messing with it. Plus I get a slightly better workout compared to a road bike. I eat at the Huntington Beach Cafe right on the beach front. This is why - it starts with cheese quesadilla, pico de gallo, salsa, chips and sour cream and ends with great live music .

On the way back, three club riders pulled onto the bike path in front of me so I jumped on their wheels. The first guy pulled at about 21 mph and I could just about keep up but the next guy pulled at about 23 mph and I span out. I knew putting a 44 tooth chainring on would limit my top end and now I know what it's limited to.

The temperature started around 70F and dropped to 60F while at the beach. I had a strong headwind headed to the beach but it stayed around long enough for me to enjoy a strong tailwind as I headed back inland. In fact, I think the tailwind was stronger that the headwind which almost never happens.

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