Monday, April 22, 2019

A short hike

I've started riding the SART on Friday evenings again . Last Friday I tried a new experiment - I ate a small dinner before the ride to see if I could get the same amount of exercise from fewer calories. Twenty three miles into the ride bonked hard and had to eat a pro-bar and turn around. So that experiment didn't go as planned. I think next Friday I'll do my usual - eat at the Lucky Greek and save half the sandwich for when I get back to the car.

The combination of me spraining my ankle and the wet winter we enjoyed this year means I haven't been hiking. Sherry felt strong enough to hike with me. We hiked "Behind the School" which gave us 4.5 miles with about 700' of climbing. It was tough, but very pretty. We need to get to the point where we can do this easily, then try the Exploration trail.

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